joi, 28 aprilie 2011

iubirea din ... pijamale

Teodor e un copil iubit.

are fani in lumea intreaga.

stiam asta, insa am descoperit inca 1data acest lucru uitandu-ma la pijamalutele lui.

avem pijamaluta de Canada, pisicoasa rau!

si pijamaluta de Italia, sportiva si simpatica foc!

pijamaluta de Anglia face din el un om mare ... sau un pustiulica din Singur acasa

si bineinteles... pijamalutele de Romania, dar la urmatoarea sedinta foto...


pink mood

Pink-The color pink is associated with youth and femininity. Unlike blue that is a color worn by both sexes, the color pink is basically reserved for females, in particular young females. It is a "young" color represents blushing and flower petals. It is often seen in the form of prom and young bridesmaids dresses and signals budding female sexuality. It is meant to set a romantic mood.